Anti-Static Packaging is Perfect for Electronics

Securely packaging a product for safe shipment is one of the most important factors in commerce, whether the item is traveling across town or in a container crossing the ocean. If the product doesn’t get to its final destination unharmed and fully functional, people have lost money, wasted time and can have damaged business and even personal relationships. And it goes without saying, that the greater the value of the item being shipped, the greater the consequences of that item not reaching its destination in a fully functional form.

Electronics constitute one of the most expensive and delicate markets in shipping. In addition to needing to protect these easily damaged products from the jostling and impacts of transit, their components require protection against damage from invisible electro-static charges. These charges can destroy a product that in every other way, appears to be in perfect condition. To prevent this, anti-static foam packaging dissipates those charges, and can also protect against physical damage by cutting the foam to size, for secure, custom inserts. The foam does this by utilizing compounds added during the material’s manufacture to keep harmful charges from being released into products.

These pink, medium density foam foams can be used as a one-time shipping insert, long-term storage solutions or protective pads in casing for cameras, computers, or other pieces of technology. The compounds used to treat the foam are also applied to plastic film packaging and protective pouches, featuring the material’s signature pink color, just like the foam products.

When packaging needs to do more than protect a delicate electronic from physical and visible damage, anti-static foam is the material for the job. It helps guard against the things we can’t see or actively prevent, making it an incredibly valuable and unique material.