High Tech Safes

High Tech Safes

biometric-fingerprint-safesArticle by Go Mailboxes.


There are several features that can make a safe “high tech”. Many safes are now utilizing biometric information to ensure that only an authorized person is opening the safe. This most commonly takes the form of fingerprint or retinal scan. High quality materials and construction techniques can also play a part. Automatic relocking devices are an example of an advanced construction technique.

High security safes are normally used in industrial and commercial applications, but can also be found in the home. These safes offer greater tool and fire resistance than lower-rated offerings. Higher quality materials and construction provide a higher level of security.

AMSEC safes are among the most respected in the industry, particularly when security and quality are important. AMSEC offers plate, composite and hybrid safes at a variety of price-points and levels of asset protection. These safes are produced in the United States.

ISM safes are made in Israel and produce the only safe to receive the U.L. TRTL 60×6 rating. It boasts one-hour torch and tool protection on all six sides. ISM is known throughout the industry as a producer of fine safes that are used around the globe.

Technology is affecting the construction of safes in a positive way. The electronics, materials, and construction techniques continue to evolve and improve. The consumer benefits as safes provide greater levels of convenience and protection.

Simply having a safe in your home has other benefits as well, especially if that safe is mounted in the floor. Thieves won’t be able to easily break into it, and you can hide all of your most personal possessions there with some hope of those contents surviving a fire or natural disaster.